How to Make a Guy Call Instead of Texting You

How to Make a Guy Call Instead of Texting You (3)

As a copywriter, I understand the importance of effective communication in building How To Get A Guy To Call You Instead Of Texting (10 Ways + Examples) ( And in today’s digital age, where texting has become the norm, it’s easy to feel disconnected from someone who only sends you messages instead of calling you. So, if you’re wondering how to make a guy call instead of texting you, here are some tips that may help:

  1. Set the tone early on

When you first start talking to a guy, it’s important to let him know your communication preferences. Let him know that you prefer talking on the phone rather than texting. This will help set the tone for future conversations and show him that you value direct communication.

  1. Initiate phone calls

If you want a guy to call you, don’t be afraid to initiate phone calls yourself. You don’t have to wait for him to call you. Pick up the phone and give him a call. This will show him that you’re interested in having a conversation and that you enjoy talking to him.

  1. Make your texts short and to the point

When you do text with a guy, keep your messages short and to the point. Avoid long, rambling messages that are difficult to respond to. This will encourage him to call you instead of trying to have a lengthy conversation over text.

  1. Be playful and flirty

Guys love a playful and flirty attitude. If you can inject some humor and lightheartedness into your conversations, he’ll be more likely to want to call you. Make jokes, tease him a bit, and keep things fun.

  1. Schedule phone calls

If you’re having trouble getting a guy to call you, try scheduling phone calls ahead of time. This will give him something to look forward to and will help ensure that you have uninterrupted time to talk.

  1. Don’t be too available

If you’re always available to text or talk, it may not give him a reason to call you. Make sure you have a life outside of your relationship and don’t always be at his beck and call. This will make him want to talk to you even more.

In conclusion, if you want a guy to call you instead of just texting you, it’s all about communication. Set the tone early on, be playful and flirty, initiate phone calls yourself, keep your texts short and to the point, and don’t always be too available. By following these tips, you’ll be on your way to having more meaningful conversations with the guy you’re interested in.