10 First Date Conversation Killers That Can Rule Out a Second Date

First Date

It can be easy to get caught up in the excitement of a new date. However, there are some things you should avoid discussing during the first date.

For example, discussing politics is only recommended if you are both politically aligned. It can turn into a debate that is not what you want on your first date.


Traditionally, dating experts advise us not to talk about politics on our first dates. They argue that political conversations can be damaging, combative, uncomfortable, and emotionally taxing.

However, it might be worth considering if you’re interested in learning about a date’s politics – and his or her opinions. According to a 2014 article published in Women’s Health, dating experts believe that a person’s political beliefs and views can reveal a lot about them, from their values to their priorities.

Politics is how people living in groups make agreements and rules about how to live together, whether that group is a tribe, city, or country. It can also be how people get into governments and make decisions about the things that are important to them.

While politics can seem like a serious topic, it’s about solving problems and ensuring everyone has access to the things they need to live their lives comfortably. This includes laws protecting people from discrimination and preventing wars between countries.

The best way to approach a date about politics is to be curious, kind, and respectful of their reasons for holding particular views. This will allow you to ask questions in a non-judgmental manner and avoid the pitfalls of political conversations.

Another thing to remember is that politics isn’t about the opinions of a particular political party. It’s about how different groups of people in a country come together to solve common problems, including education funding, employment opportunities, and other issues that affect them as a community.

First Date
First Date

If you’re interested in learning more about a guy’s politics, it might be worth bringing up the topic on a second date. This will help you learn more about his or her thoughts and opinions – which can be important when deciding whether you want to spend the rest of your life with them.

Ex-Boyfriends or Ex-Girlfriends

First-date conversations should be fun, light-hearted and relaxed. However, if your date brings up topics like religion or marriage on the first date that you feel uncomfortable with, it could be better to continue to talk about them.

While it’s OK to share a little about your past relationship, talking about ex-boyfriends or ex-girlfriends too much can make it difficult for you to build a connection with this person, says dating expert Ettin Schweyer. It also takes away from your current relationship and puts the focus on your ex.

If you’re uncomfortable with your date talking about their ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend, it’s a good idea to avoid them on future dates. This is because it can also be a turn-off for the other person, as it can create unnecessary tension and confusion.

Besides, your date might still need to be ready to discuss these topics, and it’s best to save them for later in the relationship.

In addition, it’s important to note whether or not your date is a relational self-centred’ type of person. Relational people will be interested in how you feel and want to get to know you on a deeper level. Self-centred people will talk about themselves more often and will be less willing to take the time to build a relationship with you.

Another way to determine whether your date is relationship-oriented is by watching how they use their language. For example, if you’re both grouchy or moaning about the date, they may not be as invested in the relationship as you are. Likewise, if you’re constantly comparing yourself to others (or using cuss words), it probably would be better to go on a date together.

Year Plans

A 5-year plan is a great way to outline your goals for the next five years and can help you to focus on where you want to go and how you will get there. It can also be a helpful tool if you need to articulate your future goals during an interview or other conversation.

While it might sound like a bit of a cliche, a plan can significantly motivate you to create the life you want. The process starts by brainstorming ideas for your dreams and identifying a few big goals you want to achieve in each category.

First Date
First Date

Depending on the nature of your plans, you might include long-term career goals, financial planning goals, personal goals in relationships with friends and family, and health and fitness goals. These are all critical parts of your life and can affect the way you feel about yourself.

Once you have a list of your goals, it is time to make them SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound). For example, if one of your dreams is to run a marathon, set annual goals to train and prepare for the race.

You should also add some monthly or weekly goals to help you track your progress and ensure that you are on the right track toward reaching those more significant milestones. You can find a group of people or friends who have already achieved their dreams and ask them to mentor you as you work toward your own.

Your goals can change for your five-year plan, so it is a good idea to make updates as you learn more about yourself and what is most important to you. It would be best if you also thought about how your life will change as you work toward these objectives so that your goals remain relevant and attainable.


Religion is a tricky subject to discuss with someone on a first date, especially if you have different religious beliefs. Even people with the same faith can feel anxious to share their views in front of a date because they fear being misunderstood or judged by their peers.

According to experts, talking about religion can be a conversation killer because it can lead to tension and conflict. Unless you are willing to discuss your faith seriously, you are better off skipping this topic on the first date.

Historically, religion has been understood as a social genus or cultural type. It refers to human beings’ relation to what they regard as holy, sacred, absolute, spiritual, divine, or worthy of special reverence. It also consists of people’s ways of dealing with ultimate concerns about their lives and the world’s fate after death.

In this way, religion is a taxon that reflects the evolution of social structures over time (see Jonathan Z. Smith 1994).

The term “religion” came to be used in the early twentieth century to identify a group of social forms that shared common beliefs and practices and, in some sense, were distinguishable from others by their belief in a unique kind of reality. These social forms often called ” religions, ” can be either monothetic or polythetic.

A monothetic approach identifies a single property that characterizes all religions. In contrast, a polythetic approach recognizes a variety of properties and thereby enables us to understand the prototypical nature of religion. A monothetic approach is a more ethnocentric way of understanding the social category. In contrast, a polythetic approach reveals a more complex structure. It allows us to develop explanatory theories explaining how people who belong to a particular life form come to believe in that reality.


Relationships are an essential component of life and can come in many forms. They can be friendships, family relationships, coworker/student relationships, and romantic relationships. A variety of shared values, beliefs, and feelings may characterize them.

A relationship can be a positive or negative experience, and it can significantly impact our overall health and happiness. A good relationship can boost our spirits and make us feel more confident and secure, allowing us to take risks and try new things. It can also help us bounce back from setbacks or crises that might otherwise have left us feeling down.

We can all benefit from having a person in our lives whom we trust and whom we can share our most private thoughts with. A trusted partner can help us through life’s ups and downs, and if we require professional help, they can refer us to someone who can assist.

There are so many benefits to a relationship, and they are crucial for our overall well-being! So, if you are thinking about entering a new relationship or are in one already, we’ve put together some tips to help you navigate this crucial aspect of life.

The most common conversation killers are: acting uninterested, praising insincerity, and evaluating other people’s behaviours. Thankfully, you can use some simple tricks to avoid these pitfalls! So, if you are looking for a second date, keep these conversation killers in mind and don’t fall prey to them! They can be the difference between a good and bad first date! Enjoy! Happy dating! And remember to check out our award-winning app Relish, which has helped thousands of couples communicate better!