Platform Phoenix – The Fundamental Principles Of Social Curation Shortcut

Platform Phoenix

If you want to create outstanding social curation projects without the usual hassles, you can do it with Platform Phoenix. This social curation platform was created using the fundamental principles of social curation and is a quick and easy way to get started with social curation.


Elasticsearch is a high-powered search platform. To maximize its power, users need to know what dials to watch and when to shift gears. Here are ten metrics to monitor, analyze, and stay focused on. Keep reading to learn how Elasticsearch can help you optimize your business. Here are some of the benefits of Elasticsearch and Platform Phoenix. The combination of these two tools enables you to make the most of your enterprise data.

Elasticsearch is highly scalable. It features a self-balancing algorithm, leader-election system, and self-healing properties that ensure no data is lost. Elasticsearch clusters have never been brought down by network failures or hard-drive corruption. By contrast, HBase is incredibly CPU and memory intensive. In addition, HBase integrations with Map-reduce jobs will result in random latencies.

Elasticsearch uses a non-relational database to break free of the constraints of structured data storage. Elasticsearch is based on Apache Lucene. Lucene is a search engine, which makes Elasticsearch an ideal choice for entities that undergo high volumes of search. Because Elasticsearch is elastic, it can scale up and down as your product grows.

Elasticsearch is a document database. It stores json and provides indexes for powerful queries. Kudu, on the other hand, implements SQL like storage on parallel nodes. It can store structured data from other SQL sources and provides fast random access through indexes. This combination can help you improve the efficiency of your data.

The Elasticsearch and Platform Phoenix ecosystem has many features designed to help you optimize your data and search processes. You can choose to work in a virtual or remote environment, based on your availability and skills.


The title of Ockam’s Social Curation Short Cut suggests that it is not the process of curating art. Some traditional curators disagree and argue that the term undermines the purpose of curation by suggesting less rigorous requirements than conventional curation. However, there are plenty of examples where social curation has been effective.

Platform Phoenix

Authentication library for Phoenix

The Authentication library for Platform Phoenix (Pow) is a robust and extensible user management and authentication framework. It powers dozens of production-grade apps and is built on top of a modular design. Pow has features for cluster and single machine persistence, as well as invite-driven sign-up, and is highly customizable. It also supports a variety of authentication methods, including tokens, one-time passwords, and stateless tokens.

The Authentication library for Platform Phoenix is based on the popular Rails authentication library, Devise. Its main goal is to make user authentication easy for developers. This library is modeled with the Elixir mindset, so you can expect that it will be extremely intuitive. Phoenix users will find this library very familiar.

Description: Phoenix has an easy-to-use environment that simplifies the development process and increases productivity. It includes built-in instrumentation, a live dashboard, and integration with the Erlang VM. All of this helps Platform Phoenix developers make their applications more efficient, while at the same time reducing cognitive load.